National Selections
Switzerland, Report

Fabian Sänger, the Swiss Chocolate Master 2009.
On January 25-26th, 2009, the Swiss Chocolate Masters national competition was held at the FBK exhibition in Bern. The winner is Fabian Sänger, product developer of Kambly AG in Trubschachen.
Fabian Sänger was the best of 6 Swiss contestants. These contestants had been preselected in June 2008. The level of the competition was exceptionally high. We are curious to see Fabian again when he represents Switzerland at the World Finals in Paris in October 2009 .
Final ranking :
1. Fabian Sänger from Luzern
2. Angela Brühlmann from Wittenbach (SG)
3. Mathieu Wermuth from Chexbres (VD)
Ex aequo 4th place:
- Grégory Bourguet von Epalinges (VD)
- Gaëlle Emery von Flanthey (VS)
- Thomas Schwarzenberger from Rotkreuz (ZG)
Congratulations to all of them for their excellent work !
For further information :
Barry Callebaut Schweiz AG, Patrick Pastega
Telephone: +41 43 204 04 38
Location : Chocolate Academy Westpark, Zurich (Switzerland)

The Swiss Chocolate Masters was organised with the support of our sponsors.