National Selections
1st Prize - Japan, Report

Shigeo Hirai and his trophy
Tokyo, November 29th, 2008 - Mr Shigeo Hirai, 34, has won the Japanese Chocolate Master competition on November 29th, 2008 at the "Ecole de Patisserie de Tokio" in Tokyo, Japan. Despite the time strains and pressure from the unusual environment, Mr Hirai kept his intense concentration till the end.
Even though the competition between the five preselected contestansts, who already had experience from participating in several competitions, was very intense, the showpiece and plated dessert of Shigeo Hirai were outstanding. Mr Naomi Mizuno, World Chocolate Master 2007, was part of the jury and applauded the 5 participants’ efforts.
Thanks to the continuous sponsorship and supporters, the 3rd competition in Japan was successfully concluded.
Even though the competition between the five preselected contestansts, who already had experience from participating in several competitions, was very intense, the showpiece and plated dessert of Shigeo Hirai were outstanding. Mr Naomi Mizuno, World Chocolate Master 2007, was part of the jury and applauded the 5 participants’ efforts.
Thanks to the continuous sponsorship and supporters, the 3rd competition in Japan was successfully concluded.
For all further information, please contact
Barry Callebaut Japan Limited
Marketing department
1-4-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 100-0013
phone; +81-3-3500-3871
We would like to take this opportunity to thank; FMI (Kitchen Aid and Robot Coupe), Demarle, S. Pellegrino and Acqua Panna for sponsorship as well as J. Maeda & Co. Ltd, Sojitz Corporation, Nichifutsu Shoji Co., Ltd, and Daiwa International Ltd. for supporters.
Barry Callebaut Japan Limited
Marketing department
1-4-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 100-0013
phone; +81-3-3500-3871
We would like to take this opportunity to thank; FMI (Kitchen Aid and Robot Coupe), Demarle, S. Pellegrino and Acqua Panna for sponsorship as well as J. Maeda & Co. Ltd, Sojitz Corporation, Nichifutsu Shoji Co., Ltd, and Daiwa International Ltd. for supporters.