1. Application method
Please make 3 items, which will be presented at the competition, with the following instructions. Each contestant provides Japan Confectionery Association– in writing - with the names and short descriptions of the Chocolate showpiece, Chocolate cake, and 2 types of pralines. Please provide per creation the name, the most important ingredients and other characteristics in max. 5 typed lines.
(1) Chocolate showpiece
Each contestant makes in place a chocolate showpiece that fits the competition theme of “Haute Couture”.
Dimensions of base: 60 cm x 60 cm maximum.
No part of the showpiece can extend over the 60x60cm base.
Height of showpiece : minimum 1m high. Send 1 picture which shoot whole figure.
The showpiece consists of 100% chocolate and other cocoa deriving products, with the exception of gold, silver and cupper leaves and powder.
Only colourings made of cocoa butter can be used.
Max. 50% of the surface of the showpiece can be sprayed.
(2) Chocolate pastry ; 1 whole
The pastry must have an explicit chocolate taste. The shape and dimensions can be chosen freely. Send 2 pictures, one is whole cake and the other one is section, and the recipe.
(3) Dipped praline 1 type and Moulded praline 1 type
Maximum weight per praline is 15g (including decorations). .Send 2 pictures for each recipe, one is whole praline and the other one is section, and their recipes.
* Photo size should be 180mm X 130mm and write your name on the backface.
* Please use the attached application form for recipe. We also inserted into Gateaux August, September, and October issue. Please use them with Black or Blue pen (pencil is not acceptable). In case of the shortage of the application form, please copy the blanc form and use them.
* Please do not stick the photos on the recipe.
* Need to fill out of all information in the application form, which is also inserted into into Gateaux
August, September, and October issue.
* We will not return the application form.
2. Application deadline; October 27, 2008 (Monday)
3. Application eligibility
3-1. This competition is open to anyone who is employed in the fields of pastry, confectionary, restaurant and catering or professional education, with the exception of employees of Barry Callebaut, Chocolate Ambassadors and the relatives of the excluded people (living at the same address).
3-2. Nationality
Entrants must have the nationality of the country for which they apply, or have resided and worked there officially for at least 2 years.
3-3. Age
Contestants must be born before 1st January 1988.
Application forms send to;
Japan Confectionery Association
2-21-14 Ikejiri Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 154-0001
phone; +81-3-5496-2611
Barry Callebaut Japan Limited
Marketing department
1-4-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 100-0013
phone; +81-3-3500-3871