1984 - 1987: Konditor apprentice at Konditorei Walter in Innsbruck, followed by end exam.
1996: Master degree

National Selections
Participants CVs
Schaberreiter, Christian (°1969) - Vienna, Austria

Degrees/diplomas attained
Professional experience
• 1988 - 1996: Konditorei Walter in Innsbruck (Austria)
• 1996 - 2001: Konditor in Italy
• 2002 - 2008: Konditor Master at Konditorei Fuchs in Absam (Tirol, Austria)
• Teacher at Austrian Professioanl School and WIFI
• Counseler for Fabbri company (Confectionery and Catering products), international exhibitions and seminars
• 2009: Kurkonditorei Oberlaa in Vienna, Austria
• 1996 - 2001: Konditor in Italy
• 2002 - 2008: Konditor Master at Konditorei Fuchs in Absam (Tirol, Austria)
• Teacher at Austrian Professioanl School and WIFI
• Counseler for Fabbri company (Confectionery and Catering products), international exhibitions and seminars
• 2009: Kurkonditorei Oberlaa in Vienna, Austria
Awards and competitions
2009 : "Patisserie Grand Prix der Schokoladekunst" Vienna : winner
"Austrian Chocolate Master 2009"
2006 & 2007 : Patricipation in Patisserie Grand Prix
"Austrian Chocolate Master 2009"
2006 & 2007 : Patricipation in Patisserie Grand Prix
I gives me great pleasure to work with chocolate.