
National Selections

Participants CVs

3rd Prize - Germany Ludwigs, Matthias (°1980) - Cologne, 3rd Prize - Germany

Ludwigs Matthias

Degrees/diplomas attained

1991 - 1996 school with technical college

Degree : 
Master Pastry in craft
Business of Craft

Professional experience

Since August 2005 employed as chief Patissier in the restaurant Graugans at the Hyatt Regency Cologne 
Feb. 2005 - July 2005 Master Pastry School JGS-Heidelberg
June 2004 - January 2005 Demichef Patissier on the MS Europa
Jan. 2003 - April 2004 Demichef Patissier in the restaurant Dieter Muller in Bergisch-Gladbach
Apr. 2002 - December 2002 military Patissier
Aug. 2001 - March 2002 Demichef Patissier in restaurant Lenbach in Munich 
1999 - 2001 for training in Pastry Cafe Fromme in Cologne
1996 - 1999 training to cook in the Queens Hotel in Cologne

Awards and competitions

2006 German Chocolate Masters : Finest Taste Award
2008 German Chocolate Masters : 3rd prize